
an open, simple, self-hosted web highliter & annotator

setup & usage

  1. Clone the daemon
  2. Create a keyfile, by default named
    in the daemon directory, with
  3. Adjust the daemon's listen port in the right environment's config file here (if necessary)
  4. Run the daemon persistently
    • If built yourself, via
      mix run
    • If via a pre-built package, via
      hlte/bin/hlte start
  5. Install the extension:
    • click for Firefox (it is signed by Mozilla but self-distributed, so expect permission dialogs to appear); may also be directly loaded via
    • Chrome must still be loaded in developer mode via these instructions (note the "Load Unpacked" screenshot)
      • The linked
        for Firefox is just a
        file with a different extension, so you may extract & use that for Chrome as well
  6. Open the extension's options and add your backend with the hexadecimal version of the key shown by
  7. You're setup! Go to any site and:
    • Select text and click the icon that appears in the top-left of the page
    • Right-click an image or video to annotate it directly
    • Click the browser bar to annotate an entire page
  8. Right-click the browser bar icon and select "Search..." to search your highlites (new in
    0.2.3 / 20210320
  9. Optionally setup SES to recieve email with SNS hitting the /sns endpoint and backed by S3, and you can use email to create hilites as well!
    • Raw message delivery is required on the SNS-to-your-HTTPS-endpoint call
    • You'll need to specify the whitelist of email addresses that are allowed to use this functionality.
    • The subject of the email must be the primary URI to hilite & the body will be used as the hilite data.